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Texas trial lawyer Ernest H. Cannon holds a strong commitment to giving back to the community in more ways than legal expertise. In addition to helping his clients receive the financial compensation they need and deserve, Cannon has also donated significant amounts of money to major organizations that serve the community in crucial ways.

Logo MD anderson Cancer Center Charity

MD Anderson

To date, Ernest Cannon has given over $1 million to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. This institution, one of the first comprehensive cancer centers in the U.S. and the largest comprehensive cancer center in the nation, began with $500,000 in government backing and a surplus Army barracks, growing from 46 beds to its current status at Houston’s Texas Medical Center, which includes 680 beds in its primary Houston complex, the recent addition of 300 more beds in in Alkek Hospital, and numerous research and outpatient facilities. It also provides care for children and younger adults through its MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital.

Austin Taylor Scholarship Fund

Ernest Cannon was the initial donor for the creation of the Austin Taylor Scholarship Fund, in memory of family friend and colleague Sam Taylor’s son, Austin Taylor. 


Austin was a graduate of Stephenville high school and a senior attorney at the Lanier Law firm.  Mr. Cannon had a close personal relationship with Austin, and helped create the scholarship fund in his memory.  The goal of the fund is to support Stephenville High School students who plan on continuing their education after graduation.  Students attending Stephenville high school who are interested in applying for the scholarship should reach out to their guidance counselor for more details.

Austin Taylor
Scholarship Fund

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